Boston bomb victim feels liberated after testimony
Boston Police officers patrol outside federal court on March 5, 2015, in Boston.(Photo: Michael Dwyer, AP)BOSTON — One of the first Boston Marathon bombing victims to testify in the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had a message for him Wednesday night: "You are a coward. A little boy who wouldn't even look me in the eyes."Rebekah Gregory, who lost much of her left leg, posted her open letter to Tsarnaev on her Facebook page hours after giving her emotional testimony in federal court.By noon Thursday, the letter had drawn more than 21,000 "likes" and more than 1,300 comments.In court Wednesday, Gregory of Houston told how she tried to help her 5-year-old son, Noah, who cried, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy," but her own injuries were too severe."My bones were lying next to me on the sidewalk," Gregory said from the stand, a few feet from Tsarnaev. "At that point, I felt that was the day I would die."In the letter, Gregory wrote that Tsarnaev had been a fixture in her nightmares since the day of the April 2013 bombing. But after facing him in court, her fear is gone."Today I looked at you right in the face and realized I wasn't afraid anymore," Gregory wrote. "And today I realized that sitting across from you was somehow the crazy kind of step forward that I needed all along."Gregory said that while Tsarnaev sits in solitary confinement, she will be enjoying life and will no longer be afraid of him."You can't handle the fact that what you tried to destroy, you only made stronger," she wrote.On Thursday, Boston Police Officer Frank Chiola testified, recalling when the first bomb went off. He rushed in the direction of the sound and smoke when a second bomb went off about 30 yards behind him. He said people were running, screaming and crying."There were people on the ground," Chiola said. "You couldn't tell who was alive or dead. It was chaos."Chiola performed CPR on a victim named Crystal. Prosecutor Nadine Pellegrini asked about her condition and injuries."She was suffering. She was in pain and shock," Chiola said. "From the waist down, it's really tough to describe. It was complete mutilation."Later, double-amputee Jeffrey Bauman gave the trial's first account of an encounter with an alleged bomber. Bauman was at the finish line, where everyone was cheering except one young man who bumped into him. He wore a black cap pulled low, aviator sunglasses and a hoodie. He was carrying a black bag."It looked very suspicious," Bauman said. "He was alone. He didn't look like he was enjoying the race." Moments later, the backpack the man had been carrying was sitting on the ground. Bauman said he considered alerting authorities, but didn't."I figured somebody just forgot it," he said. "It was in Boston. Stuff like that doesn't happen."When the bomb went off, one of Bauman's legs was "devastated" and the other was blown off below the fibula. He was taken to Boston Medical Center, where he had surgery and shared what he had seen with state police and the FBI. Later in the week, he saw photos of suspects on the news."I was with my brother and I was like, 'that's the kid!'," he said. "It was a relief that I got to help out and do my part."During opening statements Wednesday, Assistant U.S. Attorney William Weinreb described the blast as a gory scene of carnage, perpetrated by a cowardly bomber."The defendant's goal that day was to maim and kill as many victims as possible," Weinreb said. "He believed that he was a soldier in a holy war against Americans. He believed he had taken a step toward reaching paradise. That was his motive for committing these crimes."Defense lawyer Judy Clarke pleaded with the federal jury to approach the case with an open mind — and suggested Tsarnaev's brother, Tamerlan, was the mastermind of the April 2013 attack that killed three people and injured more than 260.Tsarnaev faces 30 charges in connection with blasts. He is also charged in the killing of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer days after the bombings.Seventeen of the counts carry the death penalty.Tsarnaev is accused of conspiring with Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed four days after the blasts as the brothers fled police. Hours after his brother's death, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found wounded and hiding in a boat in a backyard in Watertown, about 10 miles west of Boston.If the jury convicts Tsarnaev, the trial will move to a second phase to determine his punishment. The only two options available for the jury are life in prison or the death penalty.Harrison Ford's plane had engine failure before crashMar 06, 2015