Pope slams 'scandalous' corruption in Philippines
Pope Francis is greeted by a pack of the faithful with mobile cameras upon his arrival for a meeting in Manila on Jan. 16, 2015.(Photo: Alessandra Tarantino, AP)MANILA — Pope Francis used the first full day of his visit to the Philippines on Friday to defend the Catholic Church's teaching against contraception, and urge people here to fight the "scandalous" corruption and poverty engulfing the nation.Hundreds of thousands of Filipinos turned out see the pontiff deliver an address at a rally as part of his first visit to this overwhelmingly Catholic country in Southeast Asia.The pope defended the church's prohibition on using birth control but acknowledged that some would find it difficult to uphold its wishes."Be sanctuaries of respect for life, proclaiming the sacredness of every human life from conception to natural death," Francis said. "What a gift this would be to society if every Christian family lived fully its noble vocation."The pontiff had strong words for those who have supported the corruption that has plagued the Philippines for decades."Everyone, at all levels of society, must reject every form of corruption as it takes resources from the poor," Francis said at the presidential palace. "Our great biblical tradition ... bids us to break the bonds of injustice and oppression which give rise to glaring, and scandalous, social inequalities."Around a quarter of the Philippines' 100 million people live on just over $1 a day.Last SlideNext SlideMany Filipinos welcomed Francis' message of humility and service."I'm very happy (that he is here)," said Catholic lay leader Noel Lacanilao, smiling and touching his palm to his heart as he watched TV images of the Pope waving to adoring throngs in the Philippine capital."I hope that it will mean a better economy and peace and security for our country," Lacanilao said.The pontiff arrived in Manila from Sri Lanka on Thursday. President Benigno Aquino III greeted him on the airport's tarmac, then kissed his ring and escorted him down a red carpet flanked by an honor guard of soldiers in ceremonial garb. Church bells pealed nationwide.Francis stood almost the entire way during the 36-minute ride to the Holy See's diplomatic mission in Manila. Dressed in his white cassock, he waved to the hordes of enthusiastic Filipinos lining the route.On Friday morning, Francis celebrated Mass at Manila Cathedral with Philippine bishops and priests. Outside, banners of solid yellow and white — the official colors of the Vatican flag — billowed in the morning sun.As the pope mounted the steps of the cathedral, a troop of 20 boys dressed in stylized Swiss Guard uniforms snapped to attention, and the plaza erupted in loud cheers and cries of "Mabuhay!" ("Welcome" in Filipino) and "Papa Francisco!"Many of the worshipers carried rosaries and icons that they hoped the pope would bless. Others wore colorful papal T-shirts. "The pope gives me hope," read one. "Mercy and Compassion," read another, referring to the visit's official theme. Nearly all bore the pope's familiar visage, right down to the metal-frame glasses, aquiline nose and beatific smile. Some came from as far as Hong Kong and Papua New Guinea."(Pope Francis) brings to the people what Jesus brought to the people," said Sister Adviento of the order Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara. "He's not close to the people as a social worker but as a father (is close to his children)."Manila Cathedral was once a Muslim settlement. It sits in the old walled district of Intramuros from which the Spanish crown ruled the Philippines from the late 16th century until 1898, when the Americans took over. On Friday, it was the center of the Roman Catholic universe."It's really a different kind of feeling," said Marilyn Factor, an executive with the Girl Scouts of the Philippines, describing her feelings for the pope. "Seeing him, I feel that all my family and friends will be blessed through me."The pope on Saturday is scheduled to fly to Tacloban, in the central Philippines, to meet survivors of Typhoon Haiyan, which killed more than 5,000 people in November 2013.His visit to the Philippines culminates Sunday with a public Mass in Manila's Rizal Park that is expected to draw up to 6 million. On Monday, he returns to the Vatican.Loreta Samarro was looking forward to the Mass on Sunday. She said she was determined to see the pope because 20 years ago, as a third-year student at Manila's Santa Isabel College, she had missed seeing Pope John Paul II."This time, I will see him," Samarro said.Loretta Kline traveled all the way from Kansas City to see the pontiff. She and Samarro work at Unbound, a charity that recruits people to provide assistance to poor children and the elderly.To Kline, Pope Francis's emphasis on helping the poor is an "inspiration.""I admire what Pope Francis is bringing to the world conversation," Kline said. "He's promoting peace. He's asking people of diverse backgrounds to listen to each other and be tolerant of each other." Filipinos welcome Pope Francis who stops to greet people and kiss babies at his welcoming ceremony. Rough cut (no reporter narration).Video provided by Reuters Newslook